Wednesday, November 3, 2010


That’s an early ’80s Cadillac Eldorado with 22" spinners and a somewhat obscene hood ornament. It takes place somewhere along Fulton Market, a collection of meat packing plants, smokehouses, art galleries, nightclubs and upscale loft condos. The area usually smells like sausages, except for the ocassional fish odor.

Several years ago there was an effort to shut down the market. It seems that the new condo owners decided that they didn't want trucks idling outside their buildings at two in the morning.

It’s funny how that happens. People want to live in the dirty urban areas like they see in the movies and on TV, but after a while they want suburban quiet at night. There are many areas where there were night clubs and restaurants that attract condo development. Eventually parking is restricted to keep club goers out, precincts are voted dry, etc.

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